Eusjas studieresa till Grenoble den 23–25 oktober
Det finns fortfarande en plats kvar på Eusjas studieresa till Grenoble den 23–25 oktober
Är ni intresserad av att delta, maila snarast till den svensje Eusjarepresentanten
Eusja-regler gäller: Man får själv bekosta sin resa till Grenoble, men därefter står värdarna för måltider och övernattningar.
Three days, three themes : Biosciences and healthcare, communication technologies and renewenable energies and environmental problems.
A global presentation of GIANT (Grenoble Innovation for Advanced New Technologies) will also be on the agenda, presented by Thierry Grange, Grenoble Ecole de Management.
Each day will include lunch, dinner and coffee breaks.
Wednesday 23rd October
Theme: Biosciences & Healthcare
8H30 – 9H30
Presentation of GIANT
9H30 – 12H30
Visit of the ESRF – Palaeontology, beamline ID19, simulating planetary interiors, highlights of recent research…
(includes coffee break)
14H30 – 16H15
Visit of The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) / presentation of IBS – the Institut de Biologie Structurale /PSB – Partnership for Structural Biology
Coffee break
16H30 – 18H30
Visit of EMBL – The European Molecular Biology Laboratory / Presentation of UVHCI – Unit of Virus Host Cell Interactions
20H00: Visit and Dinner at the Bastille
Thursday 24th October
Theme: Communication technologies
9H30 – 12H00
Research at Grenoble Ecole de Management
(includes coffee break)
14H30 – 17H00
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, visit of the cleanrooms (CEA) – Visit of CEA showroom (+ presentation of CIME – Interuniversity Centre of Micro-electronics and Nanotechnologies)
19H00: Visit and dinner at Pignol Sainte Cécile
Friday 25th October
Theme: Renewenable energies and environmental problems
9H30 – 12H00
Phelma School / INP
Presentation of GreEn-ER
14H30 – 16H00
CEA – LITEN – Laboratory for Innovation in New Energy Technologies and Nanomaterials
Coffee break
16H30 – 18H00
Nanosciences CNRS building
Free evening