Resestipendier för att delta i European Health Forum Gastein (Österrike, 30 september–2 oktober)

1. Please find a call for the travel grants to participate European Health Forum Gastein (Austria, 30 September – 2 October). EUSJA has 7 slots for science journalists that cover 4 night accomodation and meal, free transfers from and to Salzburg airport. Journalists must take care of their flights.
Assitional information about the the EHFG:
Send the applications via national association representative Kaianders Sempler, Include name, association, media, e-mail, mobile. Dealine for application 10 August.

2. The lists for the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (August 23-28) and the European Pain Congress in Vienna (September 2-5) are completed. Please remind your members to inform us in due time if they have to cancel the trip, then the slot will go to waiting list, there are yet enough candidates waiting!

3. I remind you also that it is still possible to apply for a fellowship to attend the European CanCer Organisation Congress (ECCO2015) in September in Vienna.(4 night’s accommodation arranged by ESO (26, 27, 28 and 29 September, a grant of up to 500 euros (max) for travel/transfers, a per diem of 30 euros per day for food). The deadline for applications is the 15 July 2015, further information including how to apply can be found on

4. And July 19 is a deadline to apply for the grants to attend the trainings for the young science journalists and communicators. The link for further information and applications: