Save the date: AI for science journalists, webinar by EUSJA. Praktiska tips, etik diskussion

Tisdagen den 3 december, kl 18—19 svensk tid.

EUSJA – paraplyorganisation för vetenskapsjournalist föreningar i Europa – planerar ett webinar om AI.
Instruktioner och länk ska komma till oss i SMVJ styrelsen. När det skett skickar vi ut det per mejl till medlemmarna.

AI in Action — Practical Uses and Ethical Considerations in Everyday Work of Science Journalist.

”The webinar starts with a demonstration and sharing of experiences of using AI (mainly ChatGPT) in the work as a science journalist by the organiser,

After this – everyone can join in, sharing thoughts. The idea is to talk about the topic in a very practical way.
Also discussion of the critical aspects: what are the risks in using AI, and ethical challenges.”