Infomöte online om EU-anslag
Den 25 januari 18:00 hålls ett informations- och frågetillfälle om de EU-finansierade anslag vi journalister kan söka för att vara på en forskningsinstitution:

ERC Science Journalism Initiative – THU 25 Jan at 18:00 Online presentation and Q&A
Dear science journalists,
the FRONTIERS consortium, part of the Science Journalism Initiative launched by the European Research Council, and the European Federation for Science Journalism invite science journalists to the online presentation – followed by a Q&A – of the newly launched program to offer grants for science journalists in residence in research institutions across Europe.
The deadline for submitting applications for the first round of grants is 5 March 2024.
The online meeting with Q&A will be held on Zoom on THURSDAY 25 January 2024 at 18:00 CET.
To register, write to the Coordination and Support Office of FRONTIERS at: